A corner slice of pizza topped with pepperoni and jalapenos
Pizza with Pepperoni and Jalapenos (Made weekly)
When we went into lockdown in New York in mid March, I found myself drawing food that I was making. It was very low stakes and it was soothing in how mindless it was. I wasn't concerned with getting it exactly right, but more that it caught the essence of what it was.

At a certain point I started dreaming about food that I couldn't make, whether it's because I can't figure out the right proportions to make my own Mission style burrito, or I haven't had enough practice making really good byrek, and so instead of enjoying those foods I drew them.  
A bowl of red beans and rice
Red Beans and Rice (Made)
A corner slice of pizza topped with pepperoni and jalapeno, a ball of fresh mozzarella half sliced, a sliced jalapeno, a half full glass jar of tomato sauce, a sliced pepperoni and a ball of pizza dough.
Pizza, Deconstructed with Ingredients Used (Made weekly)
A blueberry crumbcake with a single slice cut out
Blueberry Crumble Cake (Baked several times)
An unpeeled potato, a half peeled potato, a fully peeled potato, a cracked egg with shell, a bowl of white flour, and a single gnocchi dumpling.
Gnocchi (In Process: Still perfecting)
A New York Pizzeria style chicken roll, cut in half
New York City Style Chicken Roll (Can't quite get it right)
A half eaten Mission style California burrito with boiled chikcen, beans, rice, guacamole, sour cream, cheese, lettuce and pico de gallo, wrapped in aluminum foil.
San Francisco Mission Style Burrito (Forever dreaming of, unless I'm in SF)
Wedge of byrek with meat filling on a grease stained napkin
Byrek (With Meat: I've learned to leave these to the professionals)
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